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Ripen your eyes,

Your mind, 

Above & below,

A tangled Labyrinth moves, 

Evolved, exposed with balance, 

A primeval echo evolves


A living harmony, outwardly & otherworldly,

Ours to love in this spacetime,

encoded , a melody of species,

Fascinate, sweep charm & sing.


Climbing, leaping & flying,

Scale & scramble,

Inside this boscage

A rainbow universe awaits

Just bloom your senses to the rhythm,

We’re here with you.


Send a smile with our special greetings cards, each featuring one of our hand painted characters. The small musing above is also printed on the back of this card, a piece of poetry from the world of Badger of Bohemia.  They can be bought individually or as part of a collection.

SKU: GC006

Loudly the honk of the bright toucan echoes across the valley of the jungle, bawk ba kawork ke, bright and shrill it sounds.  His yellow breast shines like the midday sun and his eyes gleam like emeralds, atop his head a feather crown sits.   he had asked the Tamarin Monkey to find him the most resplendent hat for this most special of evenings (of course monkey had been delighted and quickly trotted off to find him the most colourful hat he could).  Bawk ba kawork ke another call from toucans enormous and colourful beak.  The sun was almost setting but still toucan called out unwavering into the dusky sky. Then at last he heard it, the faint return to his call, was it just the wind? 


Toucan let out another honk louder and more clear than any he had made before. Silence.  Then when he had almost decided to give up it sounded again the return to his call, this time it was closer and most certainly not the wind!  His heart leaped at the sound and with great joy he began dancing upon his tree branch perch, his blue feet drumming his wings outstretched and swaying, all the while letting out his bawk ba kawork ke.  Well tonight was a very special night indeed and as the sunlight faded, and the face of the shimmering moon shone high in the sky,  she appeared with a ke kawork ba bawk.     

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