Wallpaper Hanging Instructions
Want to hang your new fancy Badgers of Bohemia wallpaper? Let us help.
Please ensure you have the correct wallpaper paste that is suitable for Vinyl Wallpaper. Other pastes may damage or discolour the wallpaper. Our favourite and most trusted is Beeline Ready Vinyl Wallpaper paste.
Please note any paper that has been damaged by paste cannot be returned.
Step One
Collect together equipment.
You will need:
sharp scissors
sharp cutting knife
bucket of soapy water
soft foam sponge
metal wallpaper ruler
Make sure the hanging wall is super clean, and all holes have been filled and sanded.
Open your new Badgers of Bohemia Wallpaper.
Cut each panel, these are clearly marked on your wallpaper.

Step Two
Each printed wallpaper has a panel layout document, please use this as a reference to work out the best direction and starting point for your wall.
The best way to start hanging any wallpaper is to draw a straight line on the wall. This straight line will be your starting point and guide for your first panel.
Place each rolled panel in order along the bottom of your wall. This ensures you have the correct panel ready for when you need it.
Top Tip:

Step Three
Paste directly onto the walls with a large clean brush. Make sure to use plenty of paste. Stick the wallpaper directly onto the pasted wall.
Press down gently with a damp sponge, making sure no bubbles appear under the paper.
Cut any overhangs at the top or bottom with a sharp Stanley knife and a wallpaper ruler.
Wipe away any excess paste with a damp sponge.

Step Four
All done! Well done you. Now enjoy a nice sit-down and admire your hard work.

This wallpaper is fully wipeable so just use a damp cloth to keep it looking fresh and fancy.